By UnicornPancake - 25/04/2018 15:00

Today, I had to dress like a diva for a drama performance and my friend said I looked like a hooker. Then someone said, “If hookers looked like that, they wouldn't get any money." FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 496
You deserved it 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TempestXO 14

Maybe re-evaluate your wardrobe?

Aw, that’s too bad! Not to say that being a hooker would be a good job, but it’s good to have as a fall-back option.


TempestXO 14

Maybe re-evaluate your wardrobe?

I think it’s what’s inside the wardrobe that is objectionable.

Aw, that’s too bad! Not to say that being a hooker would be a good job, but it’s good to have as a fall-back option.

Most divas dress over the top--so I'm really not surprised that you looked like an out of work hooker.

Lobby_Bee 17

Scroll down and you'll find a post showing how a man can turn into a women with makeup. If they can do that, they can fix your face.

hey dont listen to them. I've seen 70 year old hookers making a living. if you believe in yourself you can be a hooker to.

Donut_Wizard 23
AJ1981 12

not true even ugly hookers get love... I know a pimp that would take you on... YOU INTERESTED