By Noname - 02/03/2009 14:07 - United States

Today, my friend and I went to a tacky-themed party. She was wearing orange faux snake stilettos. I commented, "Those are perfect for tonight, where'd you manage to find such hideous shoes?" It turns out she wears those shoes all the time, the color just matched her outfit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 622
You deserved it 44 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

f your life? f HER life. you're not the one wearing what sounds like the world's ugliest shoes ...

if she was dressing tacky, why was she wearing shoes that MATCHED her outfit


f your life? f HER life. you're not the one wearing what sounds like the world's ugliest shoes ...

sancho839 0

seriously? that's your fml? you commented on someone's shoes? really? shut the hell up.

babbling27 0

haha #1 that's exactly what I was thinking

Well, now your friend knows she has horrible taste

if she was dressing tacky, why was she wearing shoes that MATCHED her outfit

I personally like snake skin shoes...

F HER life BIG TIME xD she had it in the ugly way be proud xD

Orange snake skin shoes? At least know she KNOWS they're horrible.

galad2003 0

This hardly qualifies as a f-your life.