She goes to a different school

By Anonymous - 14/01/2022 07:58

Today, while on vacation, I lost my virginity to this really cute girl from Canada. I texted my older cousin to brag about it, to which he replied, “A girl from Canada? That’s the oldest cliché lie in the book.” I didn’t know it was cliché. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 106
You deserved it 316

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

Had you known, would you not have had sex with her?

randybryant799 20

I'm so confused. You got laid but now you're unhappy because of something your cousin said?


Marcella1016 31

Had you known, would you not have had sex with her?

The point is that his cousin is implying that he's making it up. Hence the "cliché" line (I even over-empathised it with the title).

randybryant799 20

I'm so confused. You got laid but now you're unhappy because of something your cousin said?

Rude, girls from canada are the best, don’t need the haters

Grumpy Jack 26

Wish I could've tried them !

Royal Sataness 4

I didn't know it was a cliché either. but who cares where she was from? still got laid

shello_liv22 5

I didn’t know that was a cliche either, sounds like you may have been bragging too much and he was trying to calm you down

It does sound sketchy to say the girl was from a large country. You should be able to say what city she was from, like Montreal, Toronto, Regina or Albuquerque.

Grumpy Jack 26

Albuquerque is in.. New Mexico. Unless there is actually another city named Albuquerque in Canada.

I know, I've been there. I was just testing to see who was paying attention. YOU WIN! I'll send you one of my many mini-waffle makers.