By InsideActress - 05/04/2009 19:11 - Canada

Today, the director of the play I'm in decided to explain why we got the parts we did. He said he tried matching our characters to who we actually are. I play a whore who's a transvestite. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 868
You deserved it 6 651

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what play are you doing?! sounds like you're doing Rocky Horror. if you're playing Dr.Frank-n-furter, take it as a complement.

I agree with #1, if you're doing rocky horror and you're Dr. Frank N. Furter, it is probably the best compliment ever that he thinks you've got the guts to be him. Now let's do the time warp!


what play are you doing?! sounds like you're doing Rocky Horror. if you're playing Dr.Frank-n-furter, take it as a complement.

cyberotter 0

that is exactly what I thought!!!!!!!! rocky horror for the win. I see you shiver with antici...........pation.

FYL_hardd 0
zakkyzebra 11

I LOVE THAT MOVIE! it's just a step to the left... and a jump to the right!

That's the first thing I thought of! I love that movie. LET'S DO THE TIME WARP AGAIN!

lexiieeex3 32
lardinmybum 1
stonerchu 0

Well maybe you should stop being such a *****

Hahahahaha, I'm sorry, that's just way too funny. And this is only a FML if you're not actually a ****. So... was he right?

Ew I hate when they cast like that. D: But yeah, what play is it? Because I agree with Tearose23. :D

you could just be the only actor lef and then that is the only part left

Maybe it's just that your director thinks you've got the personality and the talent to pull that kind of a character off. It doesn't necessarily have to be an insult.

I agree with #6... At least you have what sounds like a cool part!

Yeah, he probably meant he saw something in your personality or attitude that matched up with your character's. Not that I'm assuming you didn't already know that. I mean, I'm in "Overtones", and last I checked, I'm no rich woman's jealous alternate personality.