All-natural, Facebook-sourced, Mother-in-law

By Calimero0 - 24/03/2020 16:00

Today, my mother-in-law thinks she's the only person in the world who can stop the coronavirus crisis. So far, she has brought thyme, honey, lemons, parsley, ridiculously expensive and poisonous silver water and, of course, the cure-all: berry juice. You'd wonder how I have managed to keep my family alive until now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 520
You deserved it 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sourgirl101 28

Zeitgeist! This MIL isn’t alone. I have a crazy fanatic sister that thinks this same way. She thinks ex: vaccines are just a conspiracy theory plot by Big Pharma to keep us from the knowledge that all we need to do to stay healthy is get plenty of vitamin D3 and take Colloidal Silver. (Never mind that it’ll turn you blue!)

You're MIL is crazy. There's another person going around claiming to be the only one who can cure coronavirus. If she shares her solution with him, they can save America First, and then the world if they feel like it.


That stuff is hardly what I'd consider harmful to your family, and if you don't want to take it or give it to your kids...don't 🤷🏽‍♀️

You are of course right and she means well. Trouble is by bringing us all this in installments she is completely ignoring the rules for self-isolation. Wouldn't be at all suprised if she turned out to have single handedly spread the virus in our town (because of course it's not just us who need rescuing)..

I don't really know what silver water is, but hey, whatever ends up working at this point.

Otherwise known as colloidal silver, also known as the stuff that turns you skin blue. Long history as a scam cure for almost anything

sourgirl101 28

Zeitgeist! This MIL isn’t alone. I have a crazy fanatic sister that thinks this same way. She thinks ex: vaccines are just a conspiracy theory plot by Big Pharma to keep us from the knowledge that all we need to do to stay healthy is get plenty of vitamin D3 and take Colloidal Silver. (Never mind that it’ll turn you blue!)

You're MIL is crazy. There's another person going around claiming to be the only one who can cure coronavirus. If she shares her solution with him, they can save America First, and then the world if they feel like it.

What an idiot. She forgot garlic. It’s a natural antibiotic.

One word: turmeric. Another word: kombucha. More words: kale, quinoa, açaí. MIL is bringing in D-list superfoods to combat a juggernaut! Hey, dingbat, "Scarborough Fair" is not a game plan!

Of course she didn't forget garlic, what do you take her for?! I was simply not allowed to submit a lengthy FML that also included ginger root, sage, rosemary, two different supplements, an extra spray bottle of colloidal silver to give to my parents. And chocolates (she means well of course)

WistayShlaio82 13

Harry, your mothers a witch

what a horrible person. She brought you immune boosters, super foods, and antivirals. Colloidal silver is not poisonous LOL, and it’s called elderberry syrup, two of the strongest natural antivirals that you can get your hands on, with no side effects, but tons of research showing the benefits. Not to mention it’s expensive and hard to find. Believe it or not you can get medicine that doesn’t come from a pharmacy, and yeah, it works. You just have to be smart enough to take it

Clearly: 1) The entire 'manmade antibiotic' thing is just a scam, and turning blue from colloidal silver is a rumor; 2) Antibiotics treat viruses. Clearly.