This is war!

By Anonymous - 11/02/2021 16:01 - United Kingdom

Today, my flat has turned into a pigsty. My flatmate decided to make the lounge his bedroom and it looks like a bomb has hit it. I haven’t been able to sleep, as he doesn’t sleep at night and talks to friends all night long or plays loud music. FML
I agree, your life sucks 895
You deserved it 91

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Speak up. The longer you let this go the harder it will be to get the problem corrected. Explain the difference between shared rooms and private rooms in the flat and that he cannot monopolize the shared room. Explain that the noise is keeping you from sleeping and that you have work. If this does not get the desired result, either get a new flat mate or a new flat.

Ambrily 27

Time to find a new flatmate, or a new flat.


Ambrily 27

Time to find a new flatmate, or a new flat.

Speak up. The longer you let this go the harder it will be to get the problem corrected. Explain the difference between shared rooms and private rooms in the flat and that he cannot monopolize the shared room. Explain that the noise is keeping you from sleeping and that you have work. If this does not get the desired result, either get a new flat mate or a new flat.