Directed by Alfred Hitchcock

By EyupItsLucas - 24/03/2020 13:35

Today, there’s been birds nesting in my wall since mid winter. They’ve recently started scratching at the wall as if they wanted to get through. This morning, they made their entrance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 499
You deserved it 264

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why didn't you have the birds removed once you found out they were in your walls? And how thin are your walls that a bird could scratch it's way through?? What kind of monster birds were they??

It could be so much worse!!!! Be happy it’s birds💙💙💙


It could be so much worse!!!! Be happy it’s birds💙💙💙

Why didn't you have the birds removed once you found out they were in your walls? And how thin are your walls that a bird could scratch it's way through?? What kind of monster birds were they??

WistayShlaio82 13

And you didn’t think to call a professional to do something about it?

Get a couple of cats, you’re welcome