Alexa, play "Let Down" by Radiohead

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Central Islip

Today, the guy I've been crushing on at work finally asked me out to lunch. I was nervous we wouldn't have anything to talk about. He spent the entire hour talking about how amazing his new girlfriend is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 766
You deserved it 1 377

Same thing different taste

Top comments

****, that's gotta sting. I guess you're kinda screwed, unless you are okay with just being his friend. sorry OP. that blows.

Did he ask you out as a friend or as something more? Seems to me like he did it just to be nice and not as a, "I'm trying to be with you," kind of thing. Hopefully it was. If not, forget about him. You never want to be the other woman.


By any chance, Are you that "new girlfriend"?

Soverain 15

Why does the guy have to ask first? If you were interested in him shouldn't you have taken the initiative? It isn't really hard to say "Hey, I'm thinking of grabbing lunch. Would you like to tag along?"

Maybe she doesn't view it like that? Maybe she's really shy or has anxiety so she didn't have the courage to ask him out.

Anxiety does really suck and would make me more sympathetic but the "traditional" not so much.. You can do things however you want but if you choose not to try because you want the guy to ask, I don't have much sympathy if it doesn't happen. Honestly either way I feel FML but the second Id also add a YDI. Maybe even on the first because it's really hard, but you have to try to work through it.

You're in the zone ... The friend zone that is

could it maybe have been jus two people going together on their mutual lunch break tell help pass the time with friendly conversation? I don't think it was anything to purposely rub anything in your face I'm still SORRY tho OP it still hurts NO matter how you try to look at it, but one way to look at it is everything has to begin somewhere what's better then starting off as friends? I hope things get better for you from here on out tho remember to smile you never know who's watching

Countryboy1996 18

Shit. That's awful. I'm so sorry

That's too bad. Spending the entire hour talking about his girlfriend is pretty rude though. Unless she's a mutual friend or something, which it doesn't sound like it is, who wants to hang out with someone just to hear all about some stranger they don't care about? Regardless of how you feel about him, that's pretty rude to hoard the conversation and just yammer on about unimportant drivel.

iampuppy 16

That's upsetting. I also like a guy I work with and he was talking to me about how the girl he likes make him her last priority, and in my head all I could think about was how I wouldn't do that to him if he liked me. But there's not much you can do about it, sorry OP

You get an hour for lunch!? Where do you work?

Workplace romances usually end poorly. I think you dodged a bullet.