By ug - 08/07/2009 20:51 - Canada

Today, my crush took me out to lunch. When the waiter came for our orders he ordered onoin rings and looks at me and says, "I won't be kissing anyone tonight anyways." FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 740
You deserved it 4 548

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Or maybe he's not confident and was trying to get the response "hey, why not" because he dosen't think you'd go for someone like him ;)

Eternity_fml 0


blink182rocks 0

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This makes me want to stab someone, and that's not good. This is a problem in our relationship.

seriously guys, don't feed the trolls.

You realize that he was dropping a hint to you that he was SINGLE. God this is ******* stupid. YDI.

well_this_sucks 0

no... he was saying he wasnt going to kiss her [his datee]

killerviral 0

Today, this wierd chick took me out to lunch. When the waiter came for our orders I ordered onoin rings and look at her and say, "I won't be kissing anyone tonight anyways." FML

Eternity_fml 0
seb12992 0

What the **** #25? Not only did you just claim that onion rings are better than onion rings (same thing dumbass!), you spelled onion wrong.

#35 you're the dumbass, #25 was making a joke because the OP spelled 'onion' as 'onoin'

he did that because onion is spelled wrong in the post... you're the moron

#35, sarcasm on sarcasm. i like it!

U deserved it for not being able to spell "onion"


I would not want to kiss someone who can't spell onion either, i don't blame the guy.

sevlen 0
Someone_somewere 7

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raay678 0

wtf that was rude, take alook at you're self before you say crap about other people. dick.

hahaha that's what you get for being ugly!!

hahaha that's what you get for being ugly!!

no that's what you get for not being able to spell onion

Or maybe he's not confident and was trying to get the response "hey, why not" because he dosen't think you'd go for someone like him ;)

Exactly, you expected your CRUSH to suddenly go head-over-heels for you and kiss you the first time he takes you out for lunch? YDI

kb26hockey 0

lol this is exactly what i thought when i read it. if you both liked each other, i could see how this could be weird. not an fml, but weird.

sexymessy 0

yeah i agree maybe he was seeing how you reacted to the thought!Maybe he's shy!!

realworldready 0

Ya'll nailed it. YDI for not seeing his obvious plea for you to correct his assumption. And for having a crush on somebody with that little game.

FYL for him not liking you, but definite YDI because you expected him to kiss you when you're not dating.

He didnt have to justify his order. but...LOL owned

he is just a crush so there isn't anything going between the two not a FML unless you are actually going out

ctrygirl 2