By Anonymous - 26/08/2014 18:11 - Latvia - Riga

Today, my boss asked me if I could work this weekend, doing the work of 2 people, for almost no extra pay. I had a weekend out with my kids planned, so I said I couldn't. My boss called it a shitty excuse, yet gave a free pass to a guy who claimed he had a "phobia of working on weekends". FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 707
You deserved it 2 701

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cjwayy 22

Hahaha. What a pathetic excuse. Can't believe it actually worked. A "phobia of working on weekends". Dear god

xXToxicPenguinXx 12

I honestly cannot understand some bosses logics.


Gotta respect those phobias. Real or otherwise

yeah but what even would you call that one? weekaphobia? endaphobia? shittyexcuseaphobia?

I don't think it'd be shittyexcuseaphobia because then he'd be afraid of a shitty excuse which is clearly not the case here

cjwayy 22

Hahaha. What a pathetic excuse. Can't believe it actually worked. A "phobia of working on weekends". Dear god

xXToxicPenguinXx 12

I honestly cannot understand some bosses logics.

Rainhawk94 27
nubbles10 13

The boss probably didn't wanna be in hot water about making a guy do something he claimed to have a phobia for.

supersquirel500 10

Your boss is a real jerk. One reason he is probably treating you this way is because he may be getting down to his last few people to ask and all of them have said no. So he may feel he needs to pressure you into the job.

If he was really pressured he wouldn't have let the phobia guy go.

Maybe the "I have the weekend planned being with my kids" is a phrase he hears amongst the lazy at your job. Again I say, I am terrible at commenting in my opinion.

If you say you're terrible at commenting at the end of every comment, you should probably just keep to yourself..

Saying you're terrible at commenting doesn't give you sympathy it makes people want to thumb you down more

Don't worry, #7, you'll get better at commenting. Just don't say stupid stuff that nobody wants to hear :)

No one cares if you're good at commenting or not.

#7 even the best commenters here get thumbed down to hell once in the FML life.

This is the third time I've seen you being all"my comment sucks!". What do you want to hear?

I think she should comment what she wants to, not what others want to hear

DontClickOnMe 28

I get the feeling your boss doesn't like you for some reason... Sorry you have to deal with a boss like that, but enjoy your weekend. =)

thay boss is such an ass, I really wonder how peopld like that come to power