By Anonymous - 09/10/2012 12:12 - United States

Today, the guy I've been madly in love with for ages finally asked me out. I excitedly said yes. I waited a half an hour for him to show up, with another girl and say, "Where's your date?" I was asked to go on a double date, but apparently he forgot to tell me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 439
You deserved it 2 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unknown_user5566 26

I'm willing to bet he told you it was a double date, but in your excitement, you decided to have selective hearing.

Guy: Do you want to go on a date with me and... OP: Yes! Guy: I mean a doub... OP: Yes!! Guy: I didn't finish! I mean with another g... OP: YES!!! See you then! *click* Maybe you should have let him finish his question.


More like third wheel, or walk of shame.

Inediblepeaches 15

Yes, 1, that would work out AMAZINGLY...

beccaishereyay 11

Everyone's discouraging it but I'm betting OPs crush would be down...

That was just the first thing that came to mind. No way to say if that was his intention or not, seeing as how he "forgot" to mention the double date part... And first comment that is buried is apparently a good strategy to counter thread(or "comment") jacking

unknown_user5566 26

I'm willing to bet he told you it was a double date, but in your excitement, you decided to have selective hearing.

Who can honestly think completely straight when trying to talk to a person they like? (wives and girlfriends/husbands and boyfriends excluded.)

Or perhaps the fact that she was acting like a puppy on speed scared him into pretending that he'd asked her to double-date!

Either that or he was just being a dick and wanted to watch her squirm. OP, if I were you id watch the other girl. If she knows you like him and screwed up, she's going to try everything to make you look horrible to take out her competition.

That's still shitty though. Plus, unless the two of you are good friends, it's weird for him to be asking you to go on a double date with him..

Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but is anyone else wondering how you can be madly in love with someone you've never been on a date with?

DarkDaedalus009 8

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26, either way you really can't blame the guy and call him an Ass.

A double date with you two girls, apparently.

He wants to ride the tricycle with them ;)

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She DID go. She was the first one there. It was at the meeting place on the date that she found out it was a double date.

Guy: Do you want to go on a date with me and... OP: Yes! Guy: I mean a doub... OP: Yes!! Guy: I didn't finish! I mean with another g... OP: YES!!! See you then! *click* Maybe you should have let him finish his question.

debbster7 18

Who talks on the phone anymore? I rarely talk on the phone now. It's usually best to text those kinds of things. :)

Srsly Doc. Talking on phones is like, SO 30 secs ago. Y not just tip lik dis? Then u can say stuff lik lolz and roflcopter.

redmane 21

Some people don't have a phone plan with text messaging, don't like to text, have gone over their text limit, don't have a cell phone or, you know, like to talk on the phone. You can't speak for everyone.

Me think, talk like this, save more time.

enormouselephant 15

I find it hard to believe that you can know so little about someone you're 'madly in love with'. I hope you were able to come up with a good excuse!

flockz 19

this is why i only date my right hand. the sex is amazing.

You should try mixing up with left hand. It might feel like a whole new experience or it might feel like you are cheating on your right hand.

It's like letting a clumsy stranger do it for you ;)

KiddNYC1O 20

I dumped my right hand a long time ago. My left hand sexes me better.

I prefer a 3 way with both my hands ;o

flockz 19

then switch it up with your feet, it's alot looser then hands, but i just imagine i'm boning the neighborhood *****.

Well I have to go with Jill, since she is always there for me when I need it most.

astralvagan 20

Maybe you should clarified? Either way, he will probably try for a threesome....

I'm going to assume he isn't a really close friend since you didn't know he was already with someone. Which brings up the question why? Why does he want to go on a double date with you?