
By bunnylover - 15/03/2010 16:44 - Canada

Today, my dad and I were in the car when a rabbit scurried across the road, just missing us. My dad turned and said to me, "Well, it's good we didn't hit him. He gets to live another day." I then looked in the rear view mirror to see the rabbit running away from the cross traffic, only to be hit by the car behind us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 164
You deserved it 3 508

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, seeing an innocent animal get run over by a car is kind of traumatic, especially if it's the first time you've seen it happen.

"Today, I just barely missed being run over by a car. I was then promptly run over by another car. I'm a rabbit. FML."


cjdeskins09 0

how is this an fyl? fml for the bunny!

RKftw 0

Ftrd **** the rabbits death

this is not a fml why the **** do you care that another car hit the rabbit

So sad for the bunny. You, however, should suck it up.

Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids.. Looks like this time, he learned his lesson.

WTH!? YOU were a passenger in the car that DIDN'T hit the rabbit, so how is this an FML for you?? **** the rabbits life

any one who says " oh to bad its just a stupid rabit" F you, i have a pet rabit

wat's the point of myxamytosis if people like u and ur tree-hugging father want the over-sized rodents to live?? ******* hippies.