
By bunnylover - 15/03/2010 16:44 - Canada

Today, my dad and I were in the car when a rabbit scurried across the road, just missing us. My dad turned and said to me, "Well, it's good we didn't hit him. He gets to live another day." I then looked in the rear view mirror to see the rabbit running away from the cross traffic, only to be hit by the car behind us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 164
You deserved it 3 508

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, seeing an innocent animal get run over by a car is kind of traumatic, especially if it's the first time you've seen it happen.

"Today, I just barely missed being run over by a car. I was then promptly run over by another car. I'm a rabbit. FML."


KittehSayzRAWR 0

Poor rabbit, at least it wasn't a kitteg!

icychill67 1

that does suck but how is that ******* YOUR LIFE notice it says fml not **** bunnys life

hihoney07 0

have you heard the term "humped like rabbits"?

how is this an fml?? it's mor for the rabbit!! but still that's sad ); </3

uhh **** the rabbits life not yours dumbass

rosered 0

That's horrible!! Poor rabbit.

limyechan 0