By Bald - 21/10/2014 15:41 - Turkey - Istanbul

Today, my son gave me a bottle of shampoo for my birthday. I'm as bald as a coot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 706
You deserved it 3 469

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he wants you to use it on your body hair and he's subtly calling you stanky

It's the thought that counts OP. Just get him a dress for his birthday to show your appreciation.


Maybe he wants you to use it on your body hair and he's subtly calling you stanky

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

really depends on the age of his son on how to take this.

Or maybe OP's brother is just messing around and he has a bigger surprise planned for OP

Lol! Hope you have a good sense of humour...

Maybe he thought it was body wash... Still shit present nvm lol

It actually depends on the son's age, if he's a teenager, that'd be an FML, but if he just a toddler or child, they don't really understand! (Some don't, I'm not saying all)

it's the thought that counts. but I've got to say, that's pretty un-thoughtful

Just remember... He probably got some of his sense of humor from you! It made me laugh, at least!

giantsfan2010 23

Your son seems like a funny guy!

It's the thought that counts OP. Just get him a dress for his birthday to show your appreciation.

Perhaps some polish would have been more appropriate?