By Blazouta - 11/11/2008 08:32 - France

Today, I'm 20 and I'm going bald. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 065
You deserved it 4 572

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Eir_fml 1

Patrick Stewart was bald at about 20. Become an actor, and play on Star Trek, and other things. Ha.

At age 18 my boyfriend went bald and lost his hearing in one ear. Bald men are sexy imo.


Eir_fml 1

Patrick Stewart was bald at about 20. Become an actor, and play on Star Trek, and other things. Ha.

twilax101 0

boo-hoo. its just hair. if you care that much, get a wig. a good one. but they probably turn out to be expensive. but still.

tbeaun 0

I'm 48 & have a full head of thick hair...FYL!

Bah, I started losing my hair at 19, you'll get over it soon enough.

one of my friends lost most of it by 20, he takes the bic to it and manages to look fetching, don't worry unless you have an oddly shaped head

inlimbo11 0

can't say i'm experiencing the same problem but a good friend of mine has been half bald since 16 and never has worried much about it. mind over matter. you'll be all right.

sunny1192 0

I'm 25, female, got told my hair is thinning on top, and I just found my first gray hair. I feel your pain!

At age 18 my boyfriend went bald and lost his hearing in one ear. Bald men are sexy imo.

No, they're not. You just can't find someone better.

17 =dbag, and you'll probably only be sexy if the rest of you is sexy too The "toxin" is testosterone... dihydrotestosterone, to be specific... and yeah, that's now nioxin works... but it only kinda works for me, I guess, so I'm tempted to try any product containing "minoxidil" - a substance proven to grow hair... tell ya how that goes later ;)