By Fat Bastard - 20/05/2019 04:02

Today, my son bought me some Slimfast for my birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 812
You deserved it 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TxKitten79 10

This needs more info... Is he young and has he heard you say you want to lose weight?

bloopaloop 27

Life hack: if you drink it all at once you’ll get even fatter.


That goes great with cake — especially a corner piece with three faces of icing.

TxKitten79 10

This needs more info... Is he young and has he heard you say you want to lose weight?

bloopaloop 27

Life hack: if you drink it all at once you’ll get even fatter.

Give him some penis enlargement literature with a "Sorry, Genetics" Post-it note.