Wrong drugs

By Anonymous - 26/07/2009 05:57 - United States

Today, my nose was really stuffed up and I was out of cold medicine. I heard spices may help with this kind of problem. Unfortunately I thought red pepper would be a great thing to snort at the time. Not only is my nose still stuffed up but I also have immense nasal pain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 158
You deserved it 85 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Spices may help, but you don't snort them dumb ass.


my friend did that when we were 13. and only then it was to get it on video

Dumbass, you don't snort it, you eat it.

You are the epitome of stupid! Do you snort your cold medice too?

Cait_is_Alone 0

One time me and my friend tried to snort red pepper to make our noses red and runny, I was first, I accidently blew instead of inhaled and I got it in both of my eyes, i couldnt see so I asked my friend to take me to the bathroom so i could wash my eyes out, she pushed me into the wall, twice... Red pepper is EVIL

why not go to the store to buy more cold medicine ............. lmfao, smart one.

Kay_Ell_Dee 0

you know sex is a natural decongestant. you have a cold or a runny nose, have sex and you will feel better. promise :D