By farhia97 - 08/11/2011 02:14 - United States

Today, I learned how much it hurts to put a mint up your nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 233
You deserved it 54 814

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Today, I lost faith in humanity even more. FML

So many places to stick things in, and OP sticks it up the nose. Tsk tsk

if it was one of those peppermint patties.. whoa...

bizarre_ftw 21

(16) Today, I learned people still have faith in humanity, WTF

Like a breath mint? Or the kind they put in the bottom of men's urinals?

I putting a tic tac up my nose but it doesn't hurt what the hell?

ladyvader401 5

I sincerely hope you at least made some money off your friends in exchange for that one.

If not she is an idiot for doing it for free

toxicpinkcandy 10

It's a mentos... They're the fresh maker...

because coke always goes up your nose :)

bizarre_ftw 21

44 - kid, you're 15. You realize by now what kind of coke they meant

Sticking something up your nose is always a bad idea.

Orly because I stuck a mint up my nose and it got stuck. Ok it is a bad idea!!!!!

pedosmurf 7

When I was little I put a popcorn kernel in my ear but I was five you have downs

bacon1043 3

Dang the mods are fast. Comment I had here is now irrelevant.

bacon1043 3
Draxanoth 15

Now when you sneeze it will be minty fresh!!