By UnpaidBabysitter - 07/08/2019 04:00 - United States - New York

Today, I was shut in a boiling hot room with six children: a 10-year-old who kept shouting, a belligerent 7-year-old, two 5-year-olds who thought hitting me was funny and two 2-year-olds, who wouldn't stop crying. Their parents were just outside, laughing away, ignoring me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 677
You deserved it 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What the hell kinda situation was this to be shut in a room like that?

Why did the parents not care that their children were stuck in a hot room? We clearly know from their reactions they didn’t care about you.


What the hell kinda situation was this to be shut in a room like that?

Why would the parents waste their time listening to you being tormented, when they could be ******* and making more brats to plague you?

Why did the parents not care that their children were stuck in a hot room? We clearly know from their reactions they didn’t care about you.

You tell the kids to stop, you move away from them, push them, etc. If parents won't parent the kids behavior of you, you need to.

rotflqtms_ 21

You should have left. If they weren't paying you to watch their children, there's no reason you should have stayed, especially if some of them were being violent.