Wrong drugs

By Anonymous - 26/07/2009 05:57 - United States

Today, my nose was really stuffed up and I was out of cold medicine. I heard spices may help with this kind of problem. Unfortunately I thought red pepper would be a great thing to snort at the time. Not only is my nose still stuffed up but I also have immense nasal pain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 158
You deserved it 85 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Spices may help, but you don't snort them dumb ass.


Is there even one thing on this planet besides nasal spray that a doctor would ever recommend snorting? YDI! I hope it hurts for a while.

And, when you have a headache, make sure you snort the goody powder!! They are much more effective that way!! Lmao:-p

Why would you put something known for being spicy up your nose? YDI

amaneylandx3 0

while your at it shove a corn and some mayo up there. should be nice...

djmurph316 0

What would we do without stupid people? I LOVE YOU MAN, KEEP DOING CRAZII SHET IT HELPS MY DEPRESSION xD

You're supposed to eat the spicy foods. Nasal membranes are very sensitive. But I'll bet I don't have to tell you that. :p