What died in here?

By Anonymous - 21/05/2023 02:00 - Australia

Today, I unlocked the door at work and was immediately hit with the most disgusting smell I've ever encountered. Imagine the worst fart you've ever smelled, coupled with sewerage, and mold. The windows don't open. I have the door wide open and have used a whole can of Glen 20. It has done nothing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 694
You deserved it 86

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you at least find the source of the odor? There are professionals who can even clean the stinch of the rotted bodies.

Odor-removing chemicals does nothing to improve health-conditions. I wouldn't be in that room, period. Find the source of the smell, clean it.


Odor-removing chemicals does nothing to improve health-conditions. I wouldn't be in that room, period. Find the source of the smell, clean it.

Did you at least find the source of the odor? There are professionals who can even clean the stinch of the rotted bodies.