Working conditions

By Anonymous - 10/02/2023 16:00 - Australia

Today, I'm sitting in a disgustingly hot office with all the windows thrown open. There is no fan, and the owner won't let us use the air conditioner. The smell of mold permeates the room from the ceiling, giving me headaches by the end of the day. The owner refuses to get someone in to clean it. I can't quit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 847
You deserved it 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Prolonged exposure to mold and/or heat can have significant health issues. Check your local workplace safety organizations and sic them on your boss. In the meantime you can look for another job.

Look for another job, then when you find one you can quit. In the meantime don’t tell anyone there you are looking.


Look for another job, then when you find one you can quit. In the meantime don’t tell anyone there you are looking.

Prolonged exposure to mold and/or heat can have significant health issues. Check your local workplace safety organizations and sic them on your boss. In the meantime you can look for another job.

Too bad you guys have those tight gun laws down under. Here in 'murica, this would be the perfect time for an old-timey office rampage. Hopefully, you pop your tight-ass boss and not too many innocent bystanders.

Battousai124 7

I'm guessing that is fine able where you work, als him again to get someone in to get rid of the mold, be clear and record it, next day, this is very important, you get the recording somewhere safe and talk to him again, only this time "I recorded you knowing about the mold AND refusing to remove it, remove it or I will report this to the authorities". Don't forget to look for a new job anyway. This is more for others than yourself.