What am I like?

By Joe - 01/11/2009 16:35 - United States

Today, I realized that the drunk-me deletes my texts, so the sober-me doesn't get mad. Well turns out, whatever the drunk-me said, caused me to lose my job, my girlfriend, and my coffee machine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 807
You deserved it 50 841

Same thing different taste

Top comments

qwertyone 0

Drunk you or not it was still you. You are responsible for what you do drunk and you chose to drink in the first place. I hope the "drunk you" doesn't drive.


Dudeeeee im just like you hahahaha we're tricky.

ydi. mr drunk is going to have brain damage. so will mr sober. too bad.

Do the world a favor and NEVER under ANY circumstances allow the drunk you and sober you to meet. Not that that would be possible...but it would be fantastic if it were!

YDI because you are responsible for your own actions, even while inebriated- even if you didn't while sober plan to do the things you did while drunk, you still chose to get drunk. I'm not saying that you deserve it because you got drunk- the choice to drink is a valid one, and I'm not going to harp on about how you must be an alchoholic, etc, etc, preach preach preach. The thing to do is not to sit and whine about it, but do something about it. Take action that will either recover or replace your girlfriend, job, and coffee maker. Or, y'know, just sit on your ass and complain about how unfair it is that you have to deal with the repercussions of your own actions, begging for sympathy from anonymous strangers on the internet until you starve to death.

Look at it as an opportunity to discontinue the practice of using a drip "coffee machine". Invest in a Chemex and a good grinder, once you get back on your feet. If you like coffee, learn how to make the best coffee you can. A rewarding outlet that piques your interest may be good for you; it may replace some of the need that compels you to drink so heavily and replace it with a sense of accomplishment and further appreciation of the effort-reward dynamic of most everything in life.

If your drunk self if that different from the sober self, stop drinking!

Thats a class drinking problem u got there mate - Nice! :D

Polionixon 2

That's how us wisconsinites roll son!

Can't you just call your phone company and request a log be sent to you? I know you can for most.

yourkiddingright_fml 0

Sounds like a major drinking problem to me!