What am I like?

By Joe - 01/11/2009 16:35 - United States

Today, I realized that the drunk-me deletes my texts, so the sober-me doesn't get mad. Well turns out, whatever the drunk-me said, caused me to lose my job, my girlfriend, and my coffee machine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 807
You deserved it 50 841

Same thing different taste

Top comments

qwertyone 0

Drunk you or not it was still you. You are responsible for what you do drunk and you chose to drink in the first place. I hope the "drunk you" doesn't drive.


Lol how did you lose your coffee machine? xD

you people that are tweaking out about him getting drunk need to chill the **** out.

...That is one of the funniest things I've ever heard. XDD Schitzo... And just for the self-righteous folk: just because he got drunk doesn't make him an alcoholic. Clearly none of you has even known anyone who drinks, or at least interacted with someone drunk who wasn't a total stranger. Grow up and just say no to D.A.R.E.

Getting drunk is one thing; most people don't get so drunk that they send life-shattering text messages that they forget the next morning. Perhaps you should seek help.

rockmyworld 0

just the fact that there are such things as 'life-shattering text messages' is kinda sad.. and perhaps, saculmot, you are suggesting Mr. Pres should receive another Nobel Peace Prize? For his outstanding work in helping the under-caffinated regain work =) seriously, the op should write a book. The mystery of the dissapearing coffee maker. Best seller!

wtfchristy 0

Wow, people need to stop being so damn judgemental about drinking. Everyone's acting like it's some huge deal that he got drunk and that it automatically makes him an alcoholic or something. Who doesn't drink from time to time? I honestly don't see the problem, stop being so uptight. Calling someone a dumbass and a loser in life because they drink, is honeslty just ridiculous! I can't stand people like you, so sterotypical. Anyways, haha that sucks. I've had a few nights like that myself, but you can't help but laugh at yourself the next morning! Goodluck try to fix everything lol :P

riku3220 2

It's not the fact that he drank alcohol. It's the fact that he drank so much that he wasn't in control of his actions. If he can't limit himself to how much he drinks then he'll eventually lose something more than his job or girlfriend.

wtfchristy 0

I totally understand that, but i'm talking to all the people having a fit and judging him for drinking alcohol all together. Not the people telling him to limit himself to how much he drinks..

It's forbidden to drive while drunk. Maybe, on the account of the hundreds of adds on this website reporting how drunk-texting can be life shattering, using a cellphone while under influence should also be forbidden... Now that'd be fun! One guy in a party has to remain sober to drive everbody home and keep everyone's cellphones.

Moral of the story: Don't drink so much, and if you choose to, anything that happens is your fault.

Dcvictorious 0

Today, my ex-boyfriend sent me a text saying that I was a dumb stupid bitch and that I was the worst thing to ever happen to him, in the morning he text me saying he didn't remember any of it and that he'd drunkenly deleted the texts after smashing his coffee maker through my car windscreen. FML.