By ishouldntdrink - 10/01/2010 15:11 - United States

Today, I read through my phone, hoping there weren't any drunk texts by me from the night before. Apparently I dirty texted everyone, even my boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 912
You deserved it 39 290

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm getting the impression that you make a habit of getting blind drunk and texting people, then not remembering the following day. If I were you, I'd (a) stop drinking so much, (b) leave the phone at home if you're going to get that drunk, or (c) all of the above.

Oh man. This trend of "I got drunk and did something stupid, **** my life." is totally not getting old, people. Oh wait. Yes, yes it is.


futuremarine5 4

I hope for your sake that your boss is female and REALLY likes you

YDI for not turning off ur phone before drunkness gets u xD and u should post them in textsfromlastnight xD

I'm getting the impression that you make a habit of getting blind drunk and texting people, then not remembering the following day. If I were you, I'd (a) stop drinking so much, (b) leave the phone at home if you're going to get that drunk, or (c) all of the above.

I bet you're fun to be around when you're drunk.

roaminginsomniac 0

You must be REALLY stupid then. Get into AA. You're an alcoholic.

_sunshinee 0

Wow you dont even know if they're actually an alcoholic.

I guess I missed this sign/symptom when learning about alcoholism. You should contact AA and make sure they know this is an additional symptom to the addiction for their meetings.

jollyjam1 2

Another genius drug user and his genius escapade. When will people learn?

another self important douchebag. When will people learn?

Plenty of geniuses are, or were, drug users. I'm glad that you've taken the time to recognize this on the internet(s). 01000101011101100110010101110010011110010111010001101000011010010110111001100111 00100000011010000110000101110011001000000111010001101000011001010010000001110000 01101111011101000110010101101110011101000110100101100001011011000010000001110100 01101111001000000110111101100011011000110111010101110010001000000110111001100001 0111010001110101011100100110000101101100011011000111100100101110 ^I can bet you don't know what that says. It is in a code devised by someone who has used LSD. Another individual of less than average intelligence shooting his or her mouth off in an attempt to appear to be self-righteous. A hint - you can't be smugly superior when you're the only one around being intolerant. Turns out you end up being the ignorant ass.

Newbie21 1

party party party let's all get wasted lol jk but seriously you deserve it for not controling your drinking

hahahaha the real question is what did they reply?