By TragicallyAnxious - 10/05/2019 08:00

Today, I learned that drunk me from last night is apparently great at flirting. She also apparently flirted her way to a free bottle of white wine, only to shatter it on the kitchen floor at 2 a.m. How did I find out? Three words: glass in foot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 471
You deserved it 648

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That doesn’t sound like drunk you, more like... plastered you. Which puts a whole new spin on, flirting you. If the free bottle didn’t hint to this, then surely the glass in your foot should have. Come back to reality.... you are still tip toeing in fantasy land you.


fde2blknimout 18

Youre not great at flirting. Youre a drunk chick around men who want to get laid.

That doesn’t sound like drunk you, more like... plastered you. Which puts a whole new spin on, flirting you. If the free bottle didn’t hint to this, then surely the glass in your foot should have. Come back to reality.... you are still tip toeing in fantasy land you.

Maybe if you weren't spending so much time drinking and flirting, you'd have time to finish that draft paper and hand it in before needing to skip class!