Walk or shame

By Anonymous - 24/08/2015 04:25 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my husband and I locked our keys in the car. Our only spare is in the drawer with all our sex toys. So we either had to get our oldest go in the drawer and get them to bring to us or walk the 12 miles home. My feet will never recover from that walk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 072
You deserved it 27 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Okay that sucks but did you really have to put the spare in a sex toy drawer? Shouldn't you have put it somewhere more accessible?


I'm assuming your eldest can drive because they would be bringing you the spare keys so why not get them to come pick you up and you run in to get the keys and then have them drive you back to your car....

townailz 16

Must've thought the spare key was the key to your handcuffs

Call your insurance company, they almost always cover to have roadside assistance come out and unlock the door at no cost

Not all policies do. I've never had roadside assistance since I've had. own insurance.

you saved that child from some therapy tho.

why. .. do you keep keys in the sex drawer?

think it's time to move your spare keys ;)

starglow13 10

Well, at least you got exercise.

Calling a cap instead of posting FML? I'm gonna get a lot actual "*****" for this comment for sure.

or just have him get you and you get the keys and have him bring you back

Guys a cab/bus may not work. They might have been in the countryside for all we know and 12 miles away from any civilization.