Walk or shame

By Anonymous - 24/08/2015 04:25 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my husband and I locked our keys in the car. Our only spare is in the drawer with all our sex toys. So we either had to get our oldest go in the drawer and get them to bring to us or walk the 12 miles home. My feet will never recover from that walk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 072
You deserved it 27 265

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Okay that sucks but did you really have to put the spare in a sex toy drawer? Shouldn't you have put it somewhere more accessible?


This is a situation in which hindsight is definitely 20/20.

The_Big_Boss 20

You obviously did not put much thought into that one...

They have this thing today called a "taxi".

Not all towns have taxi services. The town I grew up in didn't. The closet taxi was 45 miles away.

SaniK 17

I thought the whole point of having kids was to embarrass them

Yeah but there's a difference between embarrassing them and effectively shattering their childhood

Hiimhaileypotter 52

If it "shatters your childhood" to see your parents' sex toys I think you've got issues... I know that nobody wants to see that, but is the drama necessary? Is it really THAT big of a deal? Might be gross at the time to see, but it's something that wouldn't be too difficult to just push out of your mind and try to forget...

I bet your oldest already knows what is in the drawer.

If the child could have brought you the keys, why couldn't he or she have just come and picked you up. Then you guys could have gotten a ride home, got the keys, got a ride back to your car, and drive back home...?

backdoorman010 9

someone here with some ******* brains. you win the comments section here

You win today's award for common sense

I was just wondering this. Either they expected their child to walk the 12 miles they were bitching about with the keys, or they can drive, and then could have picked them up...

That's what I was thinking, glad someone pointed it out. I mean if they could get to you they probably could drive their own car to pick you up and then back home to your keys, and if they could take a public transport service to get to the parents so could they. This whole FML is a mess.

I think if your kid is old enough to deliver you keys 12 miles away I assume he is mature enough to see some sex toys

of course it's an American complaining about walking 12 miles!

That's 4 (assuming an average speed of 3 mph) unexpected hours of walking. For all we know they were in heels and had to go up all the hills. I'm sure no one would be happy about that.

I'm miserable just walking across the parking lot in heels lol