Walk or shame

By Anonymous - 24/08/2015 04:25 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my husband and I locked our keys in the car. Our only spare is in the drawer with all our sex toys. So we either had to get our oldest go in the drawer and get them to bring to us or walk the 12 miles home. My feet will never recover from that walk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 072
You deserved it 27 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Okay that sucks but did you really have to put the spare in a sex toy drawer? Shouldn't you have put it somewhere more accessible?


It might be a good idea to put the toys in a travel bag or something or move the key to a different spot.

Even if your oldest had brought it to you, wouldn't he/she have had to walk the 12 miles to get to you? Sounds like somebody's walking either way - might as well be you!

You made the right call. Turn the experience into a reason to go on more walks together while staying in shape.

Time for a new place for spare keys! Why so secretive in the first place?? :)

You probably need to put your keys in a different drawer then....

next time remember there is something called taxi

Why would you keep them with your sex toys? and I'm guessing they would've had to drive to get you so why didn't you just call them for a ride? or take the bus? or call a lock smith to open the door?

raphael1123 13

Taking the bus would've been an option, or taking an Uber.