Bye bye

By Anonymous - 15/11/2023 10:00

Today, after years of impotence, I woke up with a raging boner. I was so happy until I remembered my wife divorced me last year because of my impotence. This depressed me so much that I couldn’t muster the enthusiasm to masturbate, and the boner went bye bye, never to return. FML
I agree, your life sucks 596
You deserved it 141

Same thing different taste

Top comments

geerod 16

There are many remedies starting with pills, injectables, medicine, therapy and lastly an implant. check out all your options!

varren 3

I know the feeling being divorced… confused between anger, sadness, guilt (regardless of the fault), annoyed.. too many emotions.. get out and do anything that gets u distractions.. I dated enough, had enough sex, did drugs, went to cheap massage parlors.. but I think what worked is what always made me happy.. some good work.. got out .. got remarried and happy with a boner 😂😂


geerod 16

There are many remedies starting with pills, injectables, medicine, therapy and lastly an implant. check out all your options!

varren 3

I know the feeling being divorced… confused between anger, sadness, guilt (regardless of the fault), annoyed.. too many emotions.. get out and do anything that gets u distractions.. I dated enough, had enough sex, did drugs, went to cheap massage parlors.. but I think what worked is what always made me happy.. some good work.. got out .. got remarried and happy with a boner 😂😂