Turn on

By bodyelectric - 13/04/2009 12:07 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my boyfriend. He knows that I love when he breathes on my neck. Just when I was about to finish, he put his lips a millimeter away from my neck and ear, and breathed, "I love how you smell like my grandmother's house." FML
I agree, your life sucks 111 748
You deserved it 9 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vee_baby 0

that has gotta be the biggest mood killer that i have ever heard! you know you have to go to his grandmother's house now and see what it smells like.. like, i would personally be curious.


that's just a weird thing for somebody to say in the heat of the moment .... hahahahhhha

elu3219 0

maybe he finds his grandmother's smell conforting.....? idk still really weird

i'm sorry, but LOL. that was really funny.

That's just.. eww... he needs to learn madd game..

What fragrance were you wearing that night?..... "moth balls". Here's a case where you have two things to argue. It's ****** up that your man loves the smell of his grandmother's house or you actually smelling like his grandmother's house. I think this deserves some more info....lol.

simplewhimsy 0

I laughed, but really that sucks. What a mood killer. >

StarlightRyouchi 0

That's just...odd. Haha. But, if he loves it then, I think it would be a compliment and, at least he likes it...and maybe his grandmother's house smells really nice, not like mothballs and mold lawl.