By jackass - 13/04/2009 10:46 - United States

Today, I handed the keys to my Mustang to my mom so she could go car shopping. As she pulled away, I remembered the condom wrappers, sex toy packaging, and empty bottle of rum that was in the passenger's seat of my car. I'm twenty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 858
You deserved it 82 722

Same thing different taste

Top comments

skierguy 0

I don't really see what the importance of the "I'm twenty" part is. That would be embarrassing at any age, but by twenty I should think your mom would be OK with you having sex and drinking. If you were 16 that might be a different story.

ambrz 0

Then I'm 20 is important because the drinking age in America is 21 lol


greendaygirl999 5

I have no sympathy for any FML that involves being drunk. Doesn't your mom have her own car anyway?

Ikr. but what does it matter? Your completely legal to do whatever

ah but your wrong. he has rum. and he's 20.

your all wrong... nah jokes but you can legally drink at 18 in Australia. but so what if you want your sex toys to wear condoms :p

but this was in north Carolina. TROLLMASTER ON!!!

lebronesque73091 12

If you're 20, you should only be worried about the rum.

Why would that stuff even be in your passenger seat, mom or no mom?

skierguy 0

I don't really see what the importance of the "I'm twenty" part is. That would be embarrassing at any age, but by twenty I should think your mom would be OK with you having sex and drinking. If you were 16 that might be a different story.

ambrz 0

Then I'm 20 is important because the drinking age in America is 21 lol

well the "I'm 20" is, important because you're not supposed to drink until you're of age... dumbass

bms the drink age isn't the same in every country.. doubt call people dumbass when you fail

Well it says the fml was written in America so let's assume the drinking age IS 21

dragonstrike94 8

151 it says america and can anyone take a quick guess at what the drinking age is in America? 21 ? And how old is she ? 20 you say? I think maybe she might be a bit underage.

Exactly. In The UK (where I'm from) the legal age to drink is 18.

The part of Canada I'm in its 19 bit it varies

Legal drinking age is 21, so she's underage. EDIT: Only saw this at the top so I didn't realize this was already said. Sorry ^^;

It's funny because not eight billion people live in America.

Edig - Ignore this comment and downvote

pins91 27

Drinking age is 21 in the US

coolcat624 0

wow, your mom must be so proud. hey, she raised you. but maybe she'll be so pissed she'll exchange your car, since she was going car shopping.

Idiot, always keep your car clean of things you don't want people to see. If you had been pulled over by the police you would get arrested for having that empty rum bottle in your car.

renezlacz 0

wtf, u Americand really have a law that declares that having an empty (or full-whatever) bottle of booze is considered illegal? like u can get arrested or have a fee for that? thats just stupid. i mean if its empty, a friend of yours could have drunk it or u yourself when u weren't driving-its just that u like collecting booze bottles. dont you get arrested or smth like that if u have alcohol in your blood because its prooven NOT assumed?.. im just currious. really..

it is illegal because you have to be 21 to drink in america and OP is 20. This Nesna that the cops have the right to arrest/ticket the driver for drinking illegally. Having the botyle in the car is the same as drinking, or have Bernt drinking.

Well. "We Americans" have this law that you can't drink under 21. That means, even if you have an empty bottle, it's considered paraphernalia for drinking, unless it's completely cleaned out to the point of no remaining smell, and even then it's iffy. 99% of the time, they legally HAVE to arrest you for having it.

There are a lot of people commenting on this FML that didn't hit the reply button. I'm dizzy as hell scrolling up and down trying to figure out who and what they're talking about! :P

coolcat624 0

wait, you didn't throw the wrappers away?

She doesn't like to litter when she's banging her boyfriend in the front seat of her car.

By "in the passenger's seat," do you mean on? Like, in plain view? Like, you had to drive it to your mom's house, knowing the stuff was there, and forgot it on the seat? I'm also going to assume that the legal drinking age where you live is 21, but I still don't think age would make a difference here.