Turn it off

By Anonymous - 26/03/2022 06:00

Today, I got dressed up in lingerie for my boyfriend. He looked at me, said, "Nice," then went back to watching TV and drinking beer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 148
You deserved it 168

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Men are allowed to not be in the mood sometimes too.

Believe it or don’t, not all men are turned on by lingerie. Personally I prefer naked over lingerie. I even prefer flannel over lingerie… but that’s just me. I get that lingerie is supposed to send a signal that you are ready for a sexual encounter which is the real message and intended turn-on. But as an item of clothing it’s just not always the most sexy appearance for everyone. And of course it’s entirely possible he just wasn’t feeling in the mood.


Men are allowed to not be in the mood sometimes too.

Believe it or don’t, not all men are turned on by lingerie. Personally I prefer naked over lingerie. I even prefer flannel over lingerie… but that’s just me. I get that lingerie is supposed to send a signal that you are ready for a sexual encounter which is the real message and intended turn-on. But as an item of clothing it’s just not always the most sexy appearance for everyone. And of course it’s entirely possible he just wasn’t feeling in the mood.

Grumpy Jack 26

I have to agree. I'm not into lingerie either. Nor completely naked. Sometimes, a nice outfit or a night dress is enough to turn me on.