Trust the science

By Wtf - 29/04/2011 16:09 - Canada

Today, my doctor told me my asthma was being triggered by my dad's smoking. He wrote a note to my dad, asking him to refrain from smoking while around me. My dad took one look at the note, then threw it in the trash, saying the doctor "doesn't know what he's talking about." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 447
You deserved it 3 014

Same thing different taste


Very hard!!! Smoking outside is like eating a kitkat with the foil on!

MissFukMyLuck 0

dick in your attitude? that's kinda gross too. Im sympathizing with op, part of having kids is sacrifice. I'm a single mom and I pay my own bills and work two jobs and JESUS are there days I need a friggin smoke!!! (ex smoker myself) but when your a parent your babies are always first :) I don't do it for my heath, but for his!

danz123 7

Well, I'm sure when the doctor tells your Dad he has another year to live, he'll still say he 'doesn't know what he's talking about.' I guess your Dad will 'rest peacefully, full of tar' when he finds out the truth.

Your dads right you know. he can smoke where he wawnts.

OP's father should be a more responsible parent and not smoke around his kid, especially if OP has asthma. The father is just selfish.

lighters_fml 4

you dad is a dumb ass, he thinks doctors are the stupid ones? plus #82 has a good point. Sorry about your asthma, just hide your dads cigarettes then he'll either tell you to go get them or go buy some more, either way he loses

some doctors are complete idiots. believe me, i know.

lighters_fml 4

Sadly, this is all too common, parents not giving a shit about their children's welfare. Another common situation with asthmatic children is being allergic to animals, which triggers asthma symptoms. Many parents won't get rid of the pets although it is harming their children.It's sad when children don't come first. BTW who the **** is voting YDI? Do you think kids deserve to be abused and molested as well?

cdumc8 1

were did molestion come into this I agree with your statement though