Trust the science

By Wtf - 29/04/2011 16:09 - Canada

Today, my doctor told me my asthma was being triggered by my dad's smoking. He wrote a note to my dad, asking him to refrain from smoking while around me. My dad took one look at the note, then threw it in the trash, saying the doctor "doesn't know what he's talking about." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 447
You deserved it 3 014

Same thing different taste


Lyssaboo13 2

I lived with my parents doing it for 12 of my years. So, I get it.

victorianrider 0

15 you're quite oblivious as to what really goes into a pack of smokes. They eat you alive from the inside, destroy your lungs, fill up you arteries with tar, can and will after a while cause over 20 different types of cancer. Just google why smoking is bad... you'll see.

(sarcasm) you sound like you have a smart dad! (sarcasm)

amysung 1

welcome to the world of selfish parents of me- first gemeration

mystrylady 0

My bitch sister in law feels the same was, as well as her pig husband. One of my nieces when she lived there had asthma and the other niece (who is 14) was born with and still has heart problems.

mariet_fml 23

Start wheezing next time he lights up. Have your inhaler in your pocket, but say you can't find it. Make him take you to the hospital and slip the doctor a note that you're faking. He may not have to pay anything but maybe it'll scare the pants off of him. It's better than having a real asthma attack the day that you actually lose your inhaler.

myotherlips 0

Go live at a friend's house...

that sucks. im sorry for ya. thi is the kind of stuff tht makes me rlu mad.

Mine is the same way, I feel ur pain