Trust the science

By Wtf - 29/04/2011 16:09 - Canada

Today, my doctor told me my asthma was being triggered by my dad's smoking. He wrote a note to my dad, asking him to refrain from smoking while around me. My dad took one look at the note, then threw it in the trash, saying the doctor "doesn't know what he's talking about." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 447
You deserved it 3 014

Same thing different taste


MyMuse7 0

whenever he lights a cigarette, fart in his face - then run out of the house. yeah!! that'll show him!

flashback.miss 28
jenaandtyler4eva 0

time to hire a murder to behead your dad lol

awardZu 0

Great. Another chance for anti tobacco nuts to thrash smokers because one smoker is a douche. From a smoker who doesn't smoke around non smokers, and goes outside his own house to smoke, bite me.

monnanon 13

Smokers are always inflicting ther "personal choice" on others. How many times do people have to walk through a cloud to get in and out of resturants and pubs, have to sit next to someone stinking of it at work or get it blown in their face as they walk down the street. Even if you only smoke in your garden you could still be causing harm to someone or something, if you live in the middle of nowhere with no family and no animals or smoke in a hazmat suit then and only then do you have the right to bash people who dislike smoke.

That's funny. My mom dod the same thing when I got asthma.

ChaChadOminican3 0

It absolutely boggles my mind that a parent in today's society could smoke around their children. The information and warnings on the effects second and third hand have on people is everywhere. It's damn near impossible to plead ignorance or just brush it off as a load of crap. Parents who harm their children like this are selfish and don't deserve to be parents. Fyl op.

annwellz97 3

tell ur dad he is an asshole and tht u'll die if he keeps smokin