Don't engage with these people

By fuck you! - 15/04/2021 05:00

Today, I overheard my mom telling my aunt what an “attention-seeking drama queen” I’ve been lately. All I asked was that she not smoke around me. I’ve had asthma all my life and am currently recovering from Covid. She thinks it’s all a conspiracy, meanwhile I haven’t taken a deep breath in weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 395
You deserved it 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't lie OP, we all know your asthma was planned by the Deep State and the Dems to blame on Trump! #StopTheWheeze

She's endangering your life, straight to jail.


Don't lie OP, we all know your asthma was planned by the Deep State and the Dems to blame on Trump! #StopTheWheeze

Wadlaen 23

That's awful! But, couldn't you get some medical documentation to show her? Or does she not believe in doctors either?

Stay in your room a window open and fans. is there any family that can talk to her or quarantine you

oh and put a towel blocking the bottom of the door and get a fan

She's endangering your life, straight to jail.

Warp1978 15

I know how you feel, I got covid in January last year and the air in my town even in winter was so bad I couldn't breathe right until spring passed and summer arrived and the air pollution spiked and I wheezed myself through into Autum. Bullshit!