By Nxydolli - 29/04/2011 19:34 - United Kingdom
Same thing different taste
Life is life
By Anonymous - 01/07/2024 15:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 12/04/2009 18:11 - United States
By Anonymous - 02/08/2013 05:03 - United States - Woodland Hills
By lonely - 31/07/2019 02:00
By Anonymous - 03/01/2014 21:50 - United Kingdom
By drurbanXVII - 25/05/2009 21:42 - United States
By Anonymous - 23/07/2021 15:59
By Single - 19/08/2010 05:26 - United States
By nosrepamai82 - 26/07/2009 04:28 - United States
My electronic life
By Fuck my actual life - 18/06/2022 18:00
Top comments
you know you have no life when...
Wow get a life? freak.
you're rejected in every virtuality, and break down crying. especial a male. men should be strong, such as myself.
Oh yeah I didn't realise this was posted by a guy, get a ******* grip mate you're pathetic!
maybe the game knows you're crazy like we do
this is even funnier since it was a male. he should have bitch slapped her across the fade.
love how this FML looks like it was posted by another one of those sad dejected obese girls who have apparently no one to love them, lol.
#26 How do you slap a 'fade?'
^ by being chuck norris
When what???? The suspense is killing me!!!
^ Lol, stalker.
Assassin Z commemorates 45 for being insanely correct.
28, I take offense to your comment. I am all of the above. try to think things through in a nicer way before you say them, stupid bastard. next time I'll sit on you.
57 lol you remind me of Fred.. not that I watch it.. lol
59- Whatcha gonna do, sit on m- oh shit. lol, you have to admit you thought OP was a woman.
haha 59 , you sure showed him ! ;)
Showed me what?
nice...who wouldnt want that? :-p
got to love people from Durham. we're full of freaks. :D
65 you must be new here... nothing I say is relevant or serious. not even this banana. 68, alright, I will piss on him just for you.
ha I thought it was a girl at first too, then I saw it was a guy. I think it's more sad that it's a dude. But op if you can't get laid on video game what you going to do in real life?
no! life cant go on! KILL THE CRUSH!
no the reason why she is crying is that her life is already so phatetic, that even her life on sims is also pathetic
and OP is a guy, I am thinking of one to many stereotype jokes right now
If it makes you feel better I just killed my kid on the Sims with slave labor
Take your computer and trade it in for a gym pass. It will change your life.
ah so this is what people are doing without psn...
What the hell happened to all my comments? I went to sleep and now they disappeared o:
What the hell? You need to go out & get a life.
ur hot. ;)
real men don't cry :L
I punched a hole in a wall because of Fallout: New Vegas once. I know your pain OP.
OMG!!!!!! I love the sims 3 so much it's my fave game!!!!!!!!!!
Your pic is one of Black Ops, your argument is invalid.
Hahaha wow.
i dont know the pain of having no life, sorry
ahahahahahahhahah soo random
your un attractive... freak
Wow... okay then...
that's what you get for playing sims.
You know bro I'll pull the trigger for you..
This is even funnier because you're a guy. Lol.
Forever alone.... v.v
Not only is that sad on many levels but not even a character in game wants you so in that case FYL.
Dude, I wanna play the Sims 3 now! Yay
wtf... you need to get out more
get a life...
he has one! on sims! lol
Wow, that's...that's just sad OP.
it's sad cuz u care so much about a sim dude
I bet op's young I bet he'll get a boyfriend eventually.
can't argue with that
Trap him in a room by removing the door then put loads of fireworks and rugs around him! That's literally all I used to do when I had the sims 1 on my super fast windows '98 microwave of a computer!
You are a legend
What's even more sad is you actually let it get that far. Get a life.

you know you have no life when...
Not only is that sad on many levels but not even a character in game wants you so in that case FYL.