Trust the science

By Wtf - 29/04/2011 16:09 - Canada

Today, my doctor told me my asthma was being triggered by my dad's smoking. He wrote a note to my dad, asking him to refrain from smoking while around me. My dad took one look at the note, then threw it in the trash, saying the doctor "doesn't know what he's talking about." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 447
You deserved it 3 014

Same thing different taste


thisdue1775 0
FMLsOhilarious 6

Your dad is a douche for not caring about your health. Then again why would he care about your health when he obviously doesn't care about his? FYL OP. I'm sorry you were born to such a ignorant, self-absorbed, selfish parent. Just try to stay away from him when he smokes. Maybe you should just cut his cigarettes up every time he buys a pack lol. I don't know how much cigarettes cost, but you'd be costing him money that way. Maybe he'll pull his head out of his ass and wake up from his stupid self-inflicting addiction and start caring about you and your health like a parent should.

BaskenRobin 2

15 - Not dog shit but chemicals like - tar, battery acid, carbon monoxide, ammonia, rat poison etc There are 4000 plus chemicals in one cigarette 50 of which are direct cancer causing agents.

invicta8926 0

i believe the saying is "mother knows best". yes, i said it. have a nice day. bitch. (:

My dad would do the same thing...and its not just the asthma- the cancer too. sue him for emotional distress and anything else like endangering your life and get a restraining on that dick face. i did. he is risking your life, remember that.

Slythrr 0

yeah the doc totally didnt go to medical school and got degrees up your dads butt. yeah doc doesn't know what to do. (sarcasm)

when you put "sarcasm", it absolutely ruins it. dont do it. yes, i said it. have a nice day. bitch. (: