Traditions suck

By Anonymous - 19/05/2022 02:00 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I'm 21 and my parents expect me to get married before moving in with my boyfriend. We want to move overseas for our careers before marrying, but my parents think that “if that’s how things are going to be, then it’s best you break up. You need to uphold to our traditions.” I don't know what to do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 974
You deserved it 234

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your an adult. Move out of your parents house and live your life the way you wish.

Michael Sawyer 11

are you 21 or 11? grow a spine tell your parents you are going to live the life YOU want to live, not the life THEY want you to live. then follow that up with packing your things and moving out. You are a grown woman capable of taking care of your self.


Your an adult. Move out of your parents house and live your life the way you wish.

You're an adult. You can leave and never talk to them again if you want.

Michael Sawyer 11

are you 21 or 11? grow a spine tell your parents you are going to live the life YOU want to live, not the life THEY want you to live. then follow that up with packing your things and moving out. You are a grown woman capable of taking care of your self.

I’ve known several people who are from either religious or traditionally conservative families and it can be tough to break away from their traditions, especially if you rely heavily on their advice and support. However, their advice is just that, advice, it isn’t the law. At the end of the day you need to do what is best for you personally. Hint: Breaking up with a partner solely to appease your family will only breed resentment.

If you have the means and ability to do it on your own, be prepared to do so. Because they’re not going to like it at first and won’t support it, and you may need to be patient with them coming around later.

Let me ask, if the end result doesn't make a difference, does it matter if you get married now or later? If not, do what you two want to do, or at least what makes it easier for you.

Tell your parents that you two moved into separate places in your new country. Get married before they come check on you. Simple.

wrenavery90 12

What do you mean you don't know what to do? You're 21. Do whatever you want.

It’s time you think and decide for yourself what is best for you and your future. That’s the thing about life at your age - You are officially an adult which means you are entitled to make these decisions for yourself. But consider your future as part of the decision process. Nothing says you have to be married now or in the future unless it’s part of your personal goals. But do use birth control, you are too young and too old to have a child that you are not prepared to raise. I understand that it can be difficult to go against your parents wishes. And from their perspective they probably think they know what’s best for you. But it’s time for them to learn to let go and for you to take responsibility for your own happiness and future. It won’t be easy, but it’s the stage you are in - Creating your own life and future.

Courthouse wedding with a five-year-anniversary party? I don’t think you can win this either way and I’m sorry.