By TearfulDaughter - 19/01/2011 17:45 - United States

Today, I planned on introducing my fiancé to my parents. After the introductions, and telling him how I hoped our relationship would have the same amount of love and commitment that has lasted my mother and father for 25 years, my parents awkwardly announced their imminent divorce. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 982
You deserved it 3 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

By today's standards, 25 years is sufficiently close to "forever."

I have a sneaking suspicion that if you had posted first, your comment would have involved something regarding erotic nipple tweaking. What the hell did you think you had to gain by being first? Are you that much of an attention ***** that you need your useless comment to be seen by everyone? Obviously you had nothing of interest to say, since the entirety of your comment was complaining that you couldn't post. If you really are in such desperate need of attention, may I suggest heading straight to your local mall, taking off all your clothes, and jumping around in one of the fountains. You'll get all the attention you crave.


Oh damn perfect thing to ruin the moment O:

So your marriage will last that long and then you'll get divorced.

Blackmail111 9

i was gunna be first but FML didnt let me post

Blackmail111 9

i was putting a nice comment ive never been first

I have a sneaking suspicion that if you had posted first, your comment would have involved something regarding erotic nipple tweaking. What the hell did you think you had to gain by being first? Are you that much of an attention ***** that you need your useless comment to be seen by everyone? Obviously you had nothing of interest to say, since the entirety of your comment was complaining that you couldn't post. If you really are in such desperate need of attention, may I suggest heading straight to your local mall, taking off all your clothes, and jumping around in one of the fountains. You'll get all the attention you crave.

kcnutt10 1

He would even get a pair of shinny new bracelets! What a deal! The attention he craves PLUS a gift!

Sirin, I'm torn between saying you should moderate 3 just for spite, and saying you should leave open to public humiliation... just for spite...

the app makes you have to try 3 or 4 times to post

KingDingALing 9

I'm first in my imagination! You just gotta belieeeeeeeeeve! You're damn right I just made a Spongebob reference.

hey blackmail.....gears of war is AWESOME!!!!!

nice 41, i love sponge bob and friends :D p.s grats on being first in your mind.

dayum! :-P hmmm, maybe there's a secret FML badge for posting first??

Wow boners what happened to ur trademark provocative and rude comments. Were you in such a hurry to be first that you forgot what it means to be a troll?

foreshadowing(: at least you know whats going to happen.

FYL, OP. This just happened to me, minus the fiance bit. My parents just got divorced after 26 years together. It's odd when parents get divorced when their offspring are adults. Since we, as adults, can understand what's happening and why...It just adds a whole other level of awkwardness.

#14 I suppose that's true. However, I almost would have rather that they would have divorced when I was kid since it's been bad for a long, long time.

#20 Yeah, there's always some part of someone that will hope their parents will patch it up and be okay. It got so bad for my family, though, that a larger part of me knew that the divorce would be better than them staying together.

TheDrifter 23

I turned my parents divorce into a drinking game. Every expletive they hurl at each other you take a shot. It doesn't make it better but by about a half hour later it does become highly entertaining. Just be careful where you play the game. A couple in the middle of a divorce tends to create projectiles out of otherwise stationary objects, very hard ones to dodge while drunk as well.

perdix 29

By today's standards, 25 years is sufficiently close to "forever."

Couldn't have said it better myself. That worth five modern marriages, for the habit formers...

FMLephant 2

The opposite happened to me. My ex-father in law got engaged, inspired by his daughter and my loving marriage, and asked me to be his best man, right before we announced we were getting a divorce.