But mah grandbabiiiiiiiiez

By Anonymous - 20/10/2021 02:00

Today, my mother found out that my fiancée broke up with her last boyfriend because she didn't want kids and he did. She's now demanding that I either change her mind, or call things off with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 910
You deserved it 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Royal Sataness 4

You need to put your mother in her place NOW and always present a United front with your fiancee. otherwise your mother will do anything in her power to run her off and will overstep every boundary. Mother must be reminded that she has no power and do not be afraid to put her in time out if necessary

Nhayaa2.0 17

Well, it seems you don't want kids either or else you wouldn't stay with her (or she would break up with you too actually haha), so time to tell your mom you're not going to give her grand-children and that it's not up to her.


She's right! How dare you screw her out of grandchildren! The deal has always been that she'd put with the bullshit of raising you in exchange for the future joy of being a grandma. Don't stiff her on this!

Marcella1016 31

It’s funny because normally one would screw her into grandchildren.

your choice not your mom's .. never had parents and never will care

Royal Sataness 4

You need to put your mother in her place NOW and always present a United front with your fiancee. otherwise your mother will do anything in her power to run her off and will overstep every boundary. Mother must be reminded that she has no power and do not be afraid to put her in time out if necessary

Nhayaa2.0 17

Well, it seems you don't want kids either or else you wouldn't stay with her (or she would break up with you too actually haha), so time to tell your mom you're not going to give her grand-children and that it's not up to her.

Your mom is not now, nor will ever be, entitled to grandchildren and you are not obligated to have children. If she won't respect you and your fiancée's choice and keeps harassing the both of you, block her on everything and go no contact with her.