Ring of fire

By Anonymous - 18/05/2022 16:00 - South Africa

Today, I had bad diarrhea. I went to the toilet seven times while my cousins came to spend time with me. I spent more time in the toilet than I did with them. Once they'd left, I went to the toilet for what would be the eighth time in a couple of hours. I now can no longer feel my ass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 842
You deserved it 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Are you saying that in your first seven *****, you did feel your ass, and on the eighth shit, it went numb? And wouldn't anal numbness be a good thing when your asshole is getting such a workout? At least your family knows who the "shitty cousin" is. If your family doesn't have a "shitty cousin," it's probably you.


Are you saying that in your first seven *****, you did feel your ass, and on the eighth shit, it went numb? And wouldn't anal numbness be a good thing when your asshole is getting such a workout? At least your family knows who the "shitty cousin" is. If your family doesn't have a "shitty cousin," it's probably you.