By jigglypuff100 - 20/12/2011 00:56 - United States

Today, while working at the zoo, I noticed a boy throwing candy into the warthog's exhibit. The fastest way to get there was to go through the exhibit, and speak to the kid from inside. I must have said three words when a lollipop hit me in the eye. Then the warthog peed on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 334
You deserved it 4 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments


flockz 19

the warthog is just marking his next mate.

The new "*********** ****" exhibit at the zoo is coming into fruition?

flockz 19

since when do we need an exhibit?

chlorinegreen 27

You should of know that if the kid has no problem throwing things at a warthog he probably doesn't care what you think either. By the way what's a warthog?

So that you can legally show that stuff off in public without looking at a computer screen. Well, you do need to fend off those angry protesters in the distance... cholrinegreen: a warthog is a wild pig.

*chlorinegreen Oh **** me, I misspelled your name...

You all are ******* sick and disgusting. I like it...

chlorinegreen 27

24- happens to the best of us 47- okay total dumb moment I really read that wrong. I was reading it like warth-og. Teaches me to read at like 4 in the morning. I feel really stupid now...

ledstratdak 0
koolkat27 13
yumlicious 4

I personally would be more exited about the Warthog piss.

CuteDumBlonde64 11

^^ I'm going to have nightmares about what you just said there. :( Realized what you have just done...

xGraycloud 4

18, I don't think Caboose was trying to make a sexual reference... She was hit by a REAL lollipop, therefore free lollipop. No need to have a nightmare over that...

jigglypuff100 5
Strafeh 9

Most people don't like to go your way

LilAngel606 5

but if she did the kid could of been gone and throwing candy at some other exhibit

Lollipop and warthog piss?? Just be thankful you didn't run straight into an elephants arse.

builditbetter09 3
twinny_sc 13

What flavor was the lollipop?

I've gotten hit in the eye by a lollipop before... hurt like **** >_< Should have gone the other way OP...

noone messes with pumbaa's candy time >:l

lovelydarlings 6

*When I was a young warthog!!!!!*


Next time, don't take short cuts.

But...but..but how am I supposed to beat mario at Mario Kart 7???