By got any coupons? - 23/12/2014 15:24 - United States

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend of six years. She got mad at me, saying she is too young to get married and that I was trying to ruin her career. She is 32 and works part-time at a grocery store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 972
You deserved it 3 406

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sounds like a bad excuse. Maybe she's just not ready for that kind of commitment yet. It IS a pretty big deal. Hope you're both okay and that it won't ruin the relationship :)

Sounds like a textbook rejection excuse if you ask me. You may want to rethink wanting to be with someone that can't even be honest with why she doesn't want marriage.


That sounds like a bad excuse. Maybe she's just not ready for that kind of commitment yet. It IS a pretty big deal. Hope you're both okay and that it won't ruin the relationship :)

Maybe she's not so good at politely declining your proposal..

Being kind about it or not, she needs to rethink what she is doing with her life if she thinks a part-time job at a grocery store is a career and getting married will ruin it.

She may be 32 but she sounds about as mature as a 16 year old.

16 year old girl would have screamed "OHMYGODYES!" and hyperventilated for 2 hours.

cadillacgal79 32

.....with the username swagmaster2000

pwnman 33

... and breaks up with less then a week later only to get 'remarried' to someone else.

Bravo you guys actually made a better story than the FML. I enjoyed reading this, please entertain me more.

Sounds like she still has some things she needs to get in order

Hey, if you look at the music industry of nowadays, part-time work at a grocery store seems like a legitimate career.

Some people just aren't ready for that big of a commitment. Hope you guys work it out!

maybe she thinks that's a top notch career! you never know!