By NoNaMe - 04/06/2009 08:07 - Australia

Today, while walking down the street, a homeless man walked up to me. He opened his mouth to say something and I immediately said that I didn't have any spare change because I was late for work. He then said "I was gonna ask you for the time, dickwad". Apparently he wasn't homeless. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 637
You deserved it 75 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

**** that guys life... jeez, that must've been awkward

urlifeisraped 0


DuoFace 0

haha retard, thats where the phrase "dont judge a book by its cover" comes from.

mojado818 0

So apparently you are NOT homeless if you ask what time it is? Bit ignorant if you ask me. Pretty gay FML...


You should have told him that living under a freeway is not considered a home.....but this was funny!! :D

ely46 0

YDI for passing judgement on someone so quickly.

WayneWorld 0

wow how could you assume he's homeless, your an ignorant bitch

Wow you are a complete asshole. I'm sorry for the guy. You just basically accused him of lookng homeless. That must suck. And anyway is it that terrible to donate a little sometimes?

DarkMirror 0

I'd like to say YDI for making the assumption, but if he was wearing ratty clothes and smelled like piss and shame then I could understand your misconception.

the presumption boggles my mind. He's right about you.