By RBHSWedgieGirl - 23/01/2011 01:35 - United States

Today, while walking across campus, I stopped to look at my reflection in a window. I straightened my bra straps and then turned to the side to dig a wedgie out. It wasn't until I heard peals of laughter that I realized I couldn't see IN the classroom, but they could see OUT. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 519
You deserved it 36 075

Same thing different taste

Top comments

EmBayBee 0

Aw. That's awkward. You should have laughed it off like you were just goofing off to get their attention.

It's okay OP, don't get your panties in such a bunch. Oh wait...


EmBayBee 0

Aw. That's awkward. You should have laughed it off like you were just goofing off to get their attention.

That's happened to me before. I noticed when I heard laughter coming from inside. I just blushed and laughed it off

YDI. There wouldn't be random mirrors on the sides of buildings on a college campus. Also, did you really need a mirror to pick a wedgie and adjust your bra?

Never heard of one-way mirror film? You can't see in but the people can see out...

TheZarola 10

Did you read the FML? "...I stopped to look at my reflection in a window."

If she was uncomfortable, (which a wedgie would be, and she probably adjusted her bra because it was uncomfortable too) it would have been necessary. Not life or death, but she didn't think anyone could see her.

**** you guys are dumb. Of course it was a window, which means op shouldve realized that it's 2 sided.

YDI for not knowing your campus and surrounding.


Rehn 0

ha ha! that's hilarious!! :) loser

RosiePatosie 0

hahahhahaa this made me smile.. eerrr at least you're entertaining?

sduhamel 0

6 is that ur cleavage? OMG GROSS!

Get a life quick@ #32 and #36 before your hate consumes you.

sduhamel 0

high five #36!!(: well u should be the one getting a life if u need flash ur cleavage on fml.:))

Hate breeds hate. Shame the animals raised you this way.

They aren't hating. They're saying you shouldn't post indecent pictures of yourself. You are changing the topic completely.

Never seen those windows before hey? DERP!

It's okay OP, don't get your panties in such a bunch. Oh wait...

twinny_sc 13

Hey college campuses are big places, it's not like they will remember you or vice versa.

TheDrifter 23

That depends on how good the show was.

brelinxboo 0

FYL but yeah, YDI kind of. save wedgie picking for bathroom stalls anyway. I mean,even if they couldn't see out, you picked a wedgie on the sidewalk? Seriously classy right there.