By HighasaCloud - 10/12/2016 02:38

Today, while typing at my desk, I leaned back in my chair to stretch my arms. A spider dangling from the ceiling must have been watching me since it had perfect timing on its descent right into my open yawning mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 636
You deserved it 767

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When Listerine inroduced a cinnamon flavored mouth wash, I thought, "Why the hell would anyone in their right mind want to set their mouth on fire?..." But now I get it.

How unlucky! I thought it was kind of a force of habit to cover your mouth when you yawn though? Maybe that's just me. But seriously, sorry OP. At least you'll know to cover your mouth in the future!


That's unfortunate, try covering your mouth next time.

Al the Spider's descent into the Cave of Wonders ended most disastrously...

How unlucky! I thought it was kind of a force of habit to cover your mouth when you yawn though? Maybe that's just me. But seriously, sorry OP. At least you'll know to cover your mouth in the future!

akelly727 0

And you read the comments everywhere. Ironic don't you think?

Varieus 30

#4 I think it depends on the person, I personally don't cover my mouth when I yawn when I am by myself but in public or just near other people I will cover my mouth to be respectful or whatnot.

They were stretching their arms, it's a little hard to cover a yawn while doing that.

When Listerine inroduced a cinnamon flavored mouth wash, I thought, "Why the hell would anyone in their right mind want to set their mouth on fire?..." But now I get it.

But Listerine is already hot enough! Why would you add cinnamon to it!

akelly727 0

It's only a FML if you punched yourself in the face trying to kill it. If not I think it's a YDI for yawning that damn long without your mouth covered. Even if it wasn't that long and it was some freak timing coincidence it probably could of been avoided.. how? By covering your mouth from the beginning. Just my opinion, but maybe I'm just too old fashioned :)

The yawn was just secondary. They had leaned back to stretch their arms which makes it a little harder to cover their mouth.

species4872 19

Dude, I know it sucks at first, but it'll pay off once your reflexes dramatically improve and you get to banter with Tony Stark.

Suicidal spider just wanted to go out in a blaze of glory! No munching on an insecticide-killed fly to end it all, no, sir! He's gonna go out and **** up a human at the same time.