By __shirtless__ - 10/12/2016 03:09

Today I found out that paying $40 for next-day shipping doesn't ensure that you'll receive the item the next day or even the next week. I assumed it was my fault for ordering too late into the holiday season. Turns out they never shipped it. When I finally received it 10 days late, it was the wrong item. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 603
You deserved it 743

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ask for a complete refund of your shipping and compensation for waiting after ordering for next day.

imahobbitlol 24

You should've contacted them the next day, not wait a week and a half later


Ask for a complete refund of your shipping and compensation for waiting after ordering for next day.

imahobbitlol 24

You should've contacted them the next day, not wait a week and a half later

zeffra13 31

Customer service doesn't always respond regularly, especially during the holidays. Lots of places will take days or weeks to respond.

Man the worst "ship" happens to the best people

Then the people on the Titanic must have all been fabulous. I can't think of a worse ship than that.

You should write a strongly-worded review on their website. That'll teach them!

You have to be careful, for some companies "next day shipping" means the next day after they get around to processing it, which could be several days.

I think the real question is if this FML is the reason why you are shirtless. I think this brings a whole new definition to no shirt, no shoes, no service.

I work for a call center and my job sucks right now. A lot of items have processing times and a lot of people don't see them so they get upset when it's not there on time.. be nice to help support our jobs blow..

Explain your situation and ask for a refund. They accepted mine and usually won't deny it as long as you have proof of purchase