By walnutbladder - 07/01/2011 21:46 - United States

Today, I realized that every time I hear running water, I have less than a minute to find a toilet or I'll pee my pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 810
You deserved it 4 077

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Penaman 0

That would really suck if you are with a group of people.


Today I realised that everytime I read a clearly made up FML, I want to punch the person who wrote it. Hard.

Penaman 0

That would really suck if you are with a group of people.

Today, I realised that everytime I hear someone sit on a whoopee cushion, I shit myself.

DudeImBetter 0

you should try and get a spot in history as the women who took the most amount of pisses throughout her life. I'll support you all the way.

ViolentBears 0

It could be worse, OP. :) You could crap your pants every time instead.

perez758 2

this sounds like a good thing to me.. like when you have to give a sample for testing at the doctors this is very useful.

I hope you get one of those mini fountains as a gift :)

GuitarNukka520 5